Oct 11, 2023Liked by Ed William

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You had me at "nuclear power" ⚛️

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I don't think this is very original thinking....have you ever heard of Peter Dimandis and his 2020 book the future is faster than you think or his other book the future is better than you think...seems he has been writing about this stuff and run conference for a while

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I would like to think of myself as an ‘Up Wing Thinker’, but I am also very grounded in reality having come from the ground in the healthcare industry. I don’t see any comments around the ‘health’ of a population, whether in America or elsewhere in the world. If we aren't 'healthy' as a society we can't find solutions, unless we are going to rely solely on technology and relieve humans from the equation?

In the US, the healthcare industry has really become a ‘for-profit’ model, along with the increased costs associated. In reality it is a ’sick care’ business. Something not working - pop a pill. Ironically, corporations who have to provide healthcare insurance to their employees are creating foods that are processed and less about nutritional quality, leading to health and vitality of an individual. The agriculture industry uses proven toxins and poisons to grow more food to feed people that they are not able to digest or provide nutrients. Putting more people on the planet that will not have access to quality food and nutrition doesn't seem very reasonable. We can't evolve that quickly as a species to find nutrients in these lower quality food options.

Also, I didn't see any comments around the education system. “How” are we creating ’smarter’ people as is suggested in the writings? I just read a recent report that schools supported and funded by the Pentagon are producing higher educated children than any public school system in the country. (That's a very small number of children) How does he address that? In other first world countries, the skills and aptitudes of students is also lower in math and science as compared to 20 years ago.

Look forward to the progressive discussion.

I am ALL for alternative resources and thinking outside the box and moving forward and not being so nostalgic as he puts in about the past. We have as a country missed SO many opportunities to move forward because of people staying stuck in the past and leaders not moving aside or mentoring the next generation to take over. No one wants to leave once they're at the top. As the saying, goes - not going to get different results by doing the same thing over and over. Same for our way of thinking, which I think is his point.

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Excellent comments. Thanks. Agree regarding education and health!

I’m all for intelligent progress. As long as we do the critical thinking regarding what real progress is. Real progress in complex biological systems such as the human body/mind, needs progress that follows Biomimicry more than reliance on reductionist science.

For example, I love reductionist science for developing better house paint. I hate it when it is misapplied to growing the absolute healthiest food.

Thanks Jim and your team for being such a bright light, and such an optimistic and positive space to share and prosper together!

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