Sunday, 8 September
Two thoughts from Edward Bulwer-Lytton
“A friend who stands with you in pressure is more valuable than a hundred ones who stand with you in pleasure.”
“Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.”
Monday, 9 September
Two thoughts from Kathryn Schulz
“Our love of being right is best understood as our fear of being wrong.”
“Our mistakes show us that the contents of our minds can be as convincing as reality.”
Tuesday, 10 September
Two thoughts from William Hazlitt
“Zeal will do more than knowledge.”
"I'm not smart, but I like to observe. Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why."
Wednesday, 11 September
Two thoughts from Thomas De Quincey
“The public is a bad guesser.”
"A promise is binding in the inverse ratio of the numbers to whom it is made."
Thursday, 12 September
Two thoughts from James Agate
"A professional is a man who can do his job when he doesn't feel like it. An amateur is a man who can't do his job when he does feel like it."
"There is something in the theory that only the ultra-busy can find time for everything."
Friday, 13 September
Two thoughts from Ben Bergeron
“Talent without grit is just potential. Talent plus grit is unstoppable.”
“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”
Saturday, 14 September
Two thoughts from Greg McKeown
“Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will.”
“There should be no shame in admitting to a mistake; after all, we really are only admitting that we are now wiser than we once were.”
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dear jim,
thank you as always for this bounty of quotes! some of my faves this week:
Edward Bulwer-Lytton:
“A friend who stands with you in pressure is more valuable than a hundred ones who stand with you in pleasure.”
Kathryn Schulz:
“Our love of being right is best understood as our fear of being wrong.”
Ben Bergeron:
“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.”
Greg McKeown:
“There should be no shame in admitting to a mistake; after all, we really are only admitting that we are now wiser than we once were.”
thank you for sharing!
much love,