Sunday, 30 June
Two thoughts from Stéphane Mallarmé
“To define is to kill. To suggest is to create.”
“Every soul is a melody which needs renewing.”
Monday, 1 July
Two thoughts from Richard Davidson
“We need a different conception of happiness, more enduring and more genuine, not dependent on external circumstances.”
“The mind is like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.”
Tuesday, 2 July
Two thoughts from Chögyam Trungpa
“If kindness doesn't work, try more kindness.”
“Things get very clear when you’re cornered.”
Wednesday, 3 July
Two thoughts from Joseph Goldstein
“No longer do we look outside of ourselves for solutions. We have seen where the path lies. All we require are the skillful means that will help us walk it.”
“Whatever has the nature to arise has the nature to cease."
Thursday, 4 July 🇺🇸
Two thoughts from John Adams
“Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it.”
“Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”
Friday, 5 July
Two thoughts from Amos Bronson Alcott
“Yet the deepest truths are best read between the lines, and, for the most part, refuse to be written.”
“The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence.”
Saturday, 6 July
Two thoughts from George Ripley
“Happiness depends on what you can give, not on what you can get.”
“The idea that everything is purposeless is a comforting one for people who would like their junk food to be guilt-free.”
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dear jim,
love these! some faves this week:
Stéphane Mallarmé: “To define is to kill. To suggest is to create.”
Richard Davidson: “We need a different conception of happiness, more enduring and more genuine, not dependent on external circumstances.”
Chögyam Trungpa: “If kindness doesn't work, try more kindness.”
Amos Bronson Alcott: “The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence.”
George Ripley: “Happiness depends on what you can give, not on what you can get.”
thanks for sharing as always!