Sunday 29 January
Two thoughts from Kurt Lewin:
“If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.”
"When we are young we are like a flowing river - and then we freeze."
Monday 30 January
Two thoughts from Jim Barksdale:
"The infantry is always ahead of headquarters."
"Smart is not how much you know, but how quickly you learn."
Tuesday 31 January
Two thoughts from Mikhail Bulgakov:
“The tongue can conceal the truth, but the eyes never! ...the truth, alas, has been disturbed by the question, and it rises up from the depths of your soul to flicker in your eyes and all is lost.”
“Cowardice is the most terrible of vices.”
Wednesday 1 February
Two thoughts from Vivek Murthy:
“Few of us challenge our cultural norms, even when their influence leaves us feeling lonely and isolated”
“Kindness is more than a virtue. It is a source of strength.”
Thursday 2 February
Two thoughts from Nicholas Christakis:
"Everyday interactions we have with other people are definitely contagious, in terms of happiness."
"We cannot understand our humanity just by studying individuals."
Friday 3 February
Two thoughts from Ezra Pound:
"When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary."
"In our time, the curse is monetary illiteracy, just as inability to read plain print was the curse of earlier centuries."
Saturday 4 February
Two thoughts from Thomas Pynchon:
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
“The general public has long been divided into two parts; those who think that science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.”
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