Sunday, 28 January
Two thoughts from Christopher Alexander
"Making something beautiful is not a new thing or an old thing. It is a constant thing."
"Simplicity and inner calm are more important than complexity and superficial agitation in architecture."
Monday, 29 January
Two thoughts from Parmenides
"Thou canst not recognize not-being (for this is impossible), nor couldst thou speak of it, for thought and being are the same thing.”
"Nor was it ever, nor will it be; for now it is, all at once, a continuous one."
Tuesday, 30 January
Two thoughts from Clarice Lispector
"I only achieve simplicity with enormous effort."
"Who hasn't asked themselves, am I a monster or is this what it means to be human?"
Wednesday, 31 January
Two thoughts from Ervin László
"True evolution is the evolution of consciousness."
"We are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically."
Thursday, 1 February
Two thoughts from Gregg Braden
"The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body."
"The key to our future is buried in the forgotten wisdom of our past."
Friday, 2 February
Two thoughts from Carl Friedrich Gauss
"I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them."
"Few people have the imagination for reality."
Saturday, 3 February
Two thoughts from Homer
"Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another."
"Wise to resolve, and patient to perform."
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