Sunday, 28 April
Two thoughts from Cato the Elder
"I prefer to do right and get no thanks than to do wrong and receive no punishment."
"An angry man opens his mouth and shuts his eyes."
Monday, 29 April
Two thoughts from Cato the Younger
"All have the gift of speech, but few are possessed of wisdom."
"Don't promise twice what you can do at once."
Tuesday, 30 April
Two thoughts from Illya Prigogine
"The main character of any living system is openness."
“The more we know about our universe, the more difficult it becomes to believe in determinism.”
Wednesday, 1 May
Two thoughts from Paul Watzlawick
“The belief that one’s own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions.”
“In human relations, all prediction is connected in one way or another with the phenomenon of trust.”
Thursday, 2 May
Two thoughts from Amanda Montell
“Words are the medium through which belief systems are manufactured, nurtured, and reinforced, their fanaticism fundamentally could not exist without them.”
“The biggest joke in religious studies is that cult + time = religion.”
Friday, 3 May
Two thoughts from Péter Esterházy
“History is an alternating series of frying pans and fires.”
“History belongs to the victors, legends to the people, fantasy to literature. Only death is certain.”
Saturday, 4 May
Two thoughts from Gail Sheehy
"If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living."
"Being a pathfinder is to be willing to risk failure and still go on."
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dear jim,
thanks as always for these quotes! my faves from today:
Cato the Elder: "I prefer to do right and get no thanks than to do wrong and receive no punishment."
Cato the Younger: "Don't promise twice what you can do at once."
Amanda Montell: “The biggest joke in religious studies is that cult + time = religion.”
much love
Wordz wrapped in Truth…Truth wrapped into Wordz… Speech rapt in wordz…Wordz rapt in speech…How is One to discern what is done is done…?