Sunday, 26 May
Two thoughts from Henri Bergson
“The eyes see only what the mind Is prepared to comprehend.”
“the human mind is so constructed that it cannot begin to understand the new until it has done everything in its power to relate it to the old.”
Monday, 27 May
Two thoughts from Ken Segall
“Work isn't supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be gratifying.”
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
Tuesday, 28 May
Two thoughts from William G. Sumner
"Hunger, love, vanity, and fear. There are four great motives of human action."
"If I want to be free from any other man's dictation, I must understand that I can have no other man under my control."
Wednesday, 29 May
Two thoughts from C. Wright Mills
"The mass production of distraction is now as much a part of the American way of life as the mass production of automobiles."
"Prestige is the shadow of money and power."
Thursday, 30 May
Two thoughts from David Riesman
"Look at all the sentences which seem true and question them."
“Men are created different; they lose their social freedom and their individual autonomy in seeking to become like each other.”
Friday, 31 May
Two thoughts from Georg Simmel
"He is educated who knows how to find out what he doesn't know."
“One needs to properly possess only a couple of great thoughts – they shed light on many stretches whose illumination one would never have believed in.”
Saturday, 1 June
Two thoughts from Robert Putnam
“People divorced from community, occupation, and association are first and foremost among the supporters of extremism.”
“Social dislocation can easily breed a reactionary form of nostalgia.”
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dear jim,
lot of bangers today! here are some of my favorites:
Henri Bergson: “the human mind is so constructed that it cannot begin to understand the new until it has done everything in its power to relate it to the old.”
William G. Sumner: "If I want to be free from any other man's dictation, I must understand that I can have no other man under my control."
C. Wright Mills: "The mass production of distraction is now as much a part of the American way of life as the mass production of automobiles."
Georg Simmel: "He is educated who knows how to find out what he doesn't know."
thanks for sharing!
much love