Sunday, 24 November
Two thoughts from J. W. Dunne
“Where all is fog, a blind man with a stick is not entirely at a disadvantage.”
“If prevision be a fact, it is a fact which destroys absolutely the entire basis of all our past opinions of the universe.”
Monday, 25 November
Two thoughts from J. B. Priestley
“Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself – with a smile.”
“Write as often as possible, not with the idea at once of getting into print, but as if you were learning an instrument.”
Tuesday, 26 November
Two thoughts from Julian Barbour
“We do not see things as they are but as the brain interprets them for us.”
“You are the music of the spheres heard from the particular vantage point that is you.”
Wednesday, 27 November
Two thoughts from Robert Lanza
“In whatever form it takes, life sings because it has a song. The meaning is in the lyrics.”
“Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness.”
Thursday, 28 November
Two thoughts from William Faulkner
“Don’t bother just to be better than others. Try to be better than yourself.”
“Don’t do what you can do – try what you can’t do.”
Friday, 29 November
Two thoughts from Brian Greene
“I believe the process of going from confusion to understanding is a precious, even emotional, experience that can be the foundation of self-confidence.”
“Art makes us human, music makes us human, and I deeply feel that science makes us human.”
Saturday, 30 November
Two thoughts from Giovanni Boccaccio
“People tend to believe the bad rather than the good.”
“It’s better to repent what you enjoyed than to repent not having enjoyed anything.”
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dear jim,
thank you for these quotes as always! some of my faves this week:
J. B. Priestley:
“Comedy, we may say, is society protecting itself – with a smile.”
“Write as often as possible, not with the idea at once of getting into print, but as if you were learning an instrument.”
Julian Barbour
“We do not see things as they are but as the brain interprets them for us.”
“You are the music of the spheres heard from the particular vantage point that is you.”
much love and thanks,