Sunday, 21 July
Two thoughts from George Marshall
“What other people do shouldn’t affect you – we do things because of the kind of person we each want to be.”
"I never saw a pessimistic general win a battle."
Monday, 22 July
Two thoughts from Boethius
“As far as possible, join faith to reason.”
“All fortune is good fortune; for it either rewards, disciplines, amends, or punishes, and so is either useful or just.”
Tuesday, 23 July
Two thoughts from Alexandre Dumas
"One's work may be finished someday, but one's education never."
"We are all of us, as it were, our own works."
Two thoughts from Judea Pearl
“You cannot answer a question that you cannot ask, and you cannot ask a question that you have no words for.”
“I conjecture, that human intuition is organized around casual, not statistical, relations.”
Wednesday, 24 July
Two thoughts from Brendon Burchard
“It’s that engagement of learning that makes us feel alive.”
“Optimists are happier in life for a reason.”
Thursday, 25 July
Two thoughts from Mel Robbins
“You can’t control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act.”
“You need to hear this loud and clear: No one is coming. It is up to you.”
Friday, 26 July
Two thoughts from Lawrence Ferlinghetti
“Think long thoughts in short sentences.”
“It’s much easier to consume the visual image than to read something.”
Saturday, 27 July
Two thoughts from R. Buckminster Fuller
“There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes.”
“We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.”
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dear jim,
thanks for sharing these quotes as always! lots of great ones this week! some of my faves:
George Marshall:
“What other people do shouldn’t affect you – we do things because of the kind of person we each want to be.”
“As far as possible, join faith to reason.”
“All fortune is good fortune; for it either rewards, disciplines, amends, or punishes, and so is either useful or just.”
Brendon Burchard:
“Optimists are happier in life for a reason.”
Mel Robbins:
“You can’t control how you feel. But you can always choose how you act.”
Lawrence Ferlinghetti:
“Think long thoughts in short sentences.”
much appreciated!