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“Jim is a cartographer and this book is his map. Whereas most maps sketch mountains & valleys, fields & streams, lakes & oceans, his locates pairs of interest to the practice of life. The details are left for you to flesh out yourself. The map is an invitation — and a dare.”
– Johnny Nelson
Sunday, 2 March
Two thoughts from Michael Crichton
“Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled.”
“Science is as corruptible a human activity as any other.”
Monday, 3 March
Two thoughts from Ben Mezrich
“The idea that the story is true is more important than being able to prove that it’s true.”
“There's nothing wrong with a little delusion. Sometimes it helps you get through the day.”
Tuesday, 4 March
Two thoughts from Charles Stross
“It’s also true to say that good management is a bit like oxygen – it’s invisible and you don’t notice its presence until it’s gone, and then you’re sorry.”
“Never trust a man who thinks his religion gives him all the answers.”
Wednesday, 5 March
Two thoughts from Hannu Rajaniemi
“That one difference between animals and humans is that humans rarely admit to themselves what it is they really want.”
“There is no point in being upset if you are not prepared to do something about it.”
Thursday, 6 March
Two thoughts from David Bowie
“You can neither win nor lose if you don’t run the race.”
“I feel confident imposing change on myself. It’s a lot more fun progressing than looking back. That’s why I need to throw curveballs.”
Friday, 7 March
Two thoughts from Matthew McConaughey
“Persist, pivot, or concede. It’s up to us, our choice every time.”
“Guilt and regret kill many a man before their time. Get off the ride. You are the author of the book of your life. Turn the page.”
Saturday, 8 March
Two thoughts from Khalil Gibran
“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.”
“Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the faults of others.”
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Please can we get Two Thoughts from women?
dear jim,
great batch of quotes today! some of my faves:
Ben Mezrich:
“The idea that the story is true is more important than being able to prove that it’s true.”
Charles Stross:
“It’s also true to say that good management is a bit like oxygen – it’s invisible and you don’t notice its presence until it’s gone, and then you’re sorry.”
Hannu Rajaniemi:
“That one difference between animals and humans is that humans rarely admit to themselves what it is they really want.”
“There is no point in being upset if you are not prepared to do something about it.”
David Bowie:
“I feel confident imposing change on myself. It’s a lot more fun progressing than looking back. That’s why I need to throw curveballs.”
Khalil Gibran:
“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from wanting to control it.”
“Our worst fault is our preoccupation with the faults of others.”
thanks for sharing!