Sunday, 17 September
Two thoughts from Chase Jarvis
"Creativity is the new literacy"
“Put bluntly, too many of us spend years, even decades, in pursuit of someone else’s plan for our one precious life.”
Monday, 18 September
Two thoughts from Charles Eisenstein
"How do we change the world? Change the story."
"Even the most thorough change happens once choice at a time"
Tuesday, 19 September
Two thoughts from Lou Salomé
“The optimistic nature finds joy in the very feeling for life; the pessimistic nature finds a feeling for life only in joy.”
“It's in giving yourself that you possess yourself”
Wednesday, 20 September
Two thoughts from Keith Johnstone
"If people had no fear, you'd hardly need to have to teach them. It's the fear that screws everything up."
"The best laughs are on the recognition of truth."
Thursday, 21 September
Two thoughts from Ludwig Boltzmann
"Which is a more remarkable fact about America: that millionaires are idealists or idealists become millionaires."
"The life contest is primarily a competition for available energy."
Friday, 22 September
Two thoughts from Edwin Hubble
"Wisdom cannot be directly transmitted, and does not readily accumulate through the ages."
“Observations always involve theory.”
Saturday, 23 September
Two thoughts from Sean Carroll
“We shouldn’t fool ourselves into mistaking the world as we experience it for the world as it really is.”
“Our lives are not dress rehearsals in which we plan and are tested in anticipation of the real show to come. This is it...”
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This is gold. “Put bluntly, too many of us spend years, even decades, in pursuit of someone else’s plan for our one precious life.”