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"Reading Two Thoughts is like being a flâneur in a city of thoughts, languidly turning pages containing the greatest insights culture has ever produced."
~ Erik Hoel

Sunday, 15 December
Two thoughts from Noah Rasheta
“To be enlightened is to be liberated from our habitual reactivity, freed from our perceptions and ideas in order to see reality as it is without wanting it to be different.”
“Everything you need to know is already present within you.”
Monday, 16 December
Two thoughts from Fritz Perls
“We live in a house of mirrors and think we are looking out the windows.”
“The person most in control is the person who can give up control.”
Tuesday, 17 December
Two thoughts from Masaru Emoto
“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see.”
“What we imagine in our minds becomes our world.”
Wednesday, 18 December
Two thoughts from John Dos Passos
“I’ve always thought you should concentrate on paddling your own canoe.”
"Shakespeare wouldn't have been any good if he'd stayed in Stratford. He had to go to London to be bathed in the full current of the Renaissance."
Thursday, 19 December
Two thoughts from Theodor Fontane
“Against a stupidity that is in fashion, no wisdom compensates.”
"If you're happy, you shouldn't want to be even happier."
Friday, 20 December
Two thoughts from Edgar Lee Masters
“Work for your own soul’s sake.”
“In time you shall see Fate approach you In the shape of your own image in the mirror.”
Saturday, 21 December
Two thoughts from Walter Russell
“When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.”
“Until one learns to lose one’s self he cannot find himself.”
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I really enjoy Two Thoughts. It makes me a bit sad though when there are so few (if any) quotes from women.
dear jim,
thank you for sharing these as always!
some faves from this week:
Noah Rasheta: “To be enlightened is to be liberated from our habitual reactivity, freed from our perceptions and ideas in order to see reality as it is without wanting it to be different.”
Fritz Perls:
“We live in a house of mirrors and think we are looking out the windows.”
“The person most in control is the person who can give up control.”
Masaru Emoto:
“What we imagine in our minds becomes our world.”
Theodor Fontane:
"If you're happy, you shouldn't want to be even happier."
Walter Russell:
“When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.”
thank you!
much love,