Sunday, 12 May
Two thoughts from Gene Wolfe
"What a man knows hardly matters. It is what he does."
"There is no magic. There is only knowledge, more or less hidden."
Monday, 13 May
Two thoughts from Thomas Erikson
“Everything you say to a person is filtered through his frames of reference, biases, and preconceived ideas.”
“Flexibility and the ability to interpret other people’s needs is what characterizes a good communicator.”
Tuesday, 14 May
Two thoughts from Michael Polanyi
"I shall reconsider human knowledge by starting from the fact that we can know more than we can tell."
"Innovation is a feat not of intellect but of will."
Wednesday, 15 May
Two thoughts from Shunryu Suzuki
"In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”
"Nothing we see or hear is perfect. But right there in the imperfection is perfect reality."
Thursday, 16 May
Two thoughts from Bankei Yotaku
"In criticizing, the teacher is hoping to teach. That's all."
“The page is to the story as the seed is to the flower.”
Friday, 17 May
Two thoughts from Derek Bok
"I suspect that no community will become humane and caring by restricting what its members can say."
"I think it's sort of an outrage that companies should have to hire firms to teach the college graduates they employ how to write."
Saturday, 18 May
Two thoughts from John Sexton
"It's not a question of getting the opportunities, it's a question of noticing that opportunities are there."
"I find the single most valuable tool in my darkroom is my trash can."
Follow Jim on Twitter for a daily dose of Two Thoughts!
dear jim,
thank you for these quotes as always!
love the two from John Sexton today particularly:
"It's not a question of getting the opportunities, it's a question of noticing that opportunities are there."
"I find the single most valuable tool in my darkroom is my trash can."
thank you!