The (ever-growing) Team-OSV Slack contains a cornucopia of thought-provoking content.
Here’s a collection of some links we’ve found interesting lately. If you’ve got any podcasts/videos/music/articles/thoughts/memes you think we’d enjoy, then drop them in the comments 🚀🚀
1) Melodysheep's (John D Boswell) new film is very cool 🐑
“Change is coming. Humanity is entering a turbulent new era, unprecedented in both Earth and Human history. To survive the coming centuries and fulfill our potential as a species, we will have to overcome the biggest challenges we have ever faced, from extreme climate change, to rogue A.I., to the inevitable death of the sun itself. The headlines make our chances look bleak. But when you look at our history and our tenacity, it's clear that humanity is uniquely empowered to rise to the challenges we face. If we succeed, our potential is cosmic in scale. Incredible prosperity is within our reach. Being optimistic is not only justified, it's a powerful weapon in the fight for a higher future.”
2) Made “with” AI 🤖
“I made this video using AI. It crossed 1M views & 20k subs in 3 weeks: - with only one video - on a brand new YouTube channel - 100% organically (0 external promotion)”
“First of all, this video was NOT "made by AI" but "made with AI". I didn't find a magic prompt and *poof*, the whole video was made. I used AI as a tool, just like you'd use a shovel to dig. Many people romanticize AI but it's far from being as easy as they think.”
3) Anti-hype LLM reading list ⚖️
“Goals: Add links that are reasonable and good explanations of how stuff works. No hype and no vendor content if possible. Practical first-hand accounts and experience preferred (super rare at this point).”
4) Should you judge a book by its cover? 📘
“The experimental results show that 1) personality traits can be reliably predicted from facial images with an accuracy that exceeds 70%. In five-character tag classification, the recognition accuracy of neuroticism and extroversion was the most accurate, and the prediction accuracy exceeded 90%.”
5) AI translation is getting very good 🗣️
How long until the “language barrier” is a strange and archaic concept?
6) Surprising analogy of the day 🌓
Remote work = the Moon Landings:
“It’s just like the space project. The trips to the moon and to Mars came out after a horrible World War II. Sometimes bad things can stir things up a bit and make for a better outcome in the future.”
7) Military spending by country 🪖
8) Gurwinder has great taste ✅
“Some of my favorite “wisdom” accounts are Ayishat Akanbi, Daily Stoic, James Clear, Jim O’Shaughnessy, Kpaxs, Kunal, Naval, Salome Sibonex, The Stoic Emperor.
Finally, I must give a special shoutout to Dylano and his magical notebook, Essayful. He’s my favorite source of literary quotations and writerly inspiration.”
“As I’ve mentioned, my favorite podcast is Chris Williamson’s Modern Wisdom. Every episode is packed with info, making it an effective method of fishing and, if you use the search feature, also a good way to start a hunt. I don’t get the time to consistently listen to other podcasts, but of the ones I’ve flirted with, I like Infinite Loops and Conversations with Tyler most.”
Here’s Gurwinder’s recent Infinite Loops appearance.
9) Mental models for everyone 🧠
"Ever wondered how power is created in a social network? Brokers—those with connections that bridge networks—are typically the most powerful because of informational advantages."
“Where you stand depends on where you sit….Human’s social views (and behaviour) arise from the settings in which people live and work, especially when those settings create incentives for particular beliefs, priorities, or justifications.”
10) Logan Roy bringing the heat 🔥
"You make your own reality. And once you've done it, apparently, everyone's of the opinion it was all so fucking obvious.”
11) Rory Sutherland’s & Rick Rubin’s 3.5hr+ conversation 🎙️
Rory is a master at approaching problems from unique angles. As
puts it:“I quite like how Rory thinks about things from a different angle than most people. His example about making a train faster vs making it more pleasant so that you don’t mind spending more time on it was very good.”
Rory is also a member of the OSV Advisory Council and a 3x guest on Infinite Loops.
12) Niches FTW 🏃
“They Make CrossFit Documentaries. CrossFitters Can’t Get Enough. A series of films about the annual CrossFit Games, enthusiastically embraced by the niche fitness community, have become surprise hits on streaming platforms.”
13) Most expensive TV shows ever made & streamer cancellation rates (h/t
) 💰

Did anyone really watch Citadel?
Also, is anyone else surprised that Netflix is relatively low down the cancellation rate list?
14) Martin Scorcese GQ profile 🎥
“Does Scorsese see his influence in the contemporary films he watches now?
‘Yeah. I see some camera moves. But I usually see story, atmosphere. Definitely there’s that influence in a lot of stuff. I’ve seen some that were so much that I have to stop watching them. Not that I look at a film to learn something, but in effect, I’m not going to learn anything from this. You don’t put a film on to learn something. But in the process of watching something, you might come away from it enlightened.”
Also, in case you’ve been living on an island for the last four months, Scorcese’s upcoming film Killers of the Flower Moon looks incredible.
15) Nolan Bond trilogy? 🍸
Mixed reactions to these rumors at Infinite Loops HQ. The general consensus is that although it would be cool to see, the opportunity cost of Nolan not being able to do some more interesting original stories is probably too high, particularly if he signs up for more than one film.
16) We can’t wait for you to watch Flipside 🍿
Flipside is the first movie that we’ve been involved with to be screened. It premiered at The Toronto International Film Festival to some excellent reviews.
The film is directed by Chris Wilcha, co-executive produced by Jim and Knocked Up director Judd Apatow, and released in association with Infinite Films, Apatow Productions, and Park Productions.
Here’s a great interview with Chris Wilcha about the process of making the movie
“But I feel addicted to the feeling of having made this, to be reminded of what it feels like to make work that is meaningful, where the personal stakes for you are much higher, where you want it to connect with people.”
17) Is Prestige TV dead? 🪦
“If you’re in Hollywood, don’t bother pitching the next “Billions,” “Succession,” “Downton Abbey” or “Mad Men” — that’s considered too 1 percent. The next “Transparent” or “Atlanta”? Too small. And forget about the next “Curb Your Enthusiasm” or “Entourage.” That kind of comedy is far too niche for today’s marketplace. Edgy is out. Mass is in.”
In related news, last week was the ten-year anniversary of Breaking Bad’s finale, Felina. 🐐
18) The rise of A24
“Like few other studios, A24 has built a unique identity for itself, a singular voice. Though its filmography crosses genres, ranging from “psychological thrillers set in 1890s lighthouses to slapstick romps about intergenerational trauma,” there’s an unmistakable throughline. A24 products have a level of craft, personality, and specificity that stands apart. It’s this final quality that’s particularly notable. As one commenter noted, “The studio doesn’t just make a ‘high-school movie,’ it makes a ‘Catholic school in Sacramento in the spring of 2003 movie.’””